Gallery - 2019 Boston Olympin Festival
Boston, Massachusetts - 6-8 September 2019

Boston weather was perfect: in the 70s, sunny, and beautiful! Peng Xu started collecting in Beijing in 2008. Mark Fiedler, Pete Wade, Domenico DiPinto and Bob Kalmuk. Pam Litz explains pin trading to Bostonian Jeanette Ferreira. Lois Holloway, Mark Chestnut and Pam Litz. Jill and Alison gather stories for their podcast Olympic Fever. Ken Weiss displays his NOC traders. Dorie Leo, Bob Kalmuk, Sid Marantz, Dave Apathy and Doug Todd. Domenico joins us once again from Italy. Dave and Mark examining some Olympic treasures. Our auction helps to defray the costs of the show. At the pre-banquet reception. Festival chair Jon Becker welcomes all to the banquet. Members from 14 states and 4 different countries reunite. A sumptuous buffet was laid out for the Olympin banquet. Jousting for that extra show pin!

Photos: P. Litz and E. Schneider