Gallery - 2023 Olympin Festival
Marina del Rey, California - 12-15 October 2023

Bud Kling’s Highlights of LA tour was a hit! Frances Carey and Gail Bigsby welcome all to the 2023 Festival Kristen, from LA28, chatting with Pete, Jim, Dan, & Karen Mark Maestrone and Alison Brown get acquainted Don enjoying the reception with Ed, Tanya, and Lori New member Robert Durand with Wayne Yutman, Jill, & Diane Ken, Pam, Bud, and Scott greet new member Gary Rhodes Busy Justin Hou took time to stop by the show to see old friends The Argonaut article brought out Vivianne in full Olympic regalia Tim Puttre and Steve Robie check out a few of the auction items Ed & Lori Schneider and Thelma Riehle at Friday night’s banquet Jim and Diane Goddard with new member, Dr. Juve Vela As ordered, a beautiful California evening for the banquet Mario Simonson shared Honav’s plans for Paris 2024 and beyond Our friends from China helped make the show fun! Janet Grissom, Dorie Leo, and Pam Litz on the SoFi Stadium tour Such a fun tour with opportunities to throw an NFL football! "Pro" Tanya Ollick hit the target several times! We all enjoyed sitting on the players’ bench Then it was on to the Cloverfield for a late dinner At the Cloverfield in Santa Monica Another happy group dines at Whiskey Red’s in Marina del Rey Making some last minute deals on Sunday Marcus Denerson with his amazing “every Sam ever” collection Pete peruses Pam’s pins Greg and Mary Rose Denaro joined us from Florida Judge Velarde’s family with Louie Barbosa and Scott Reed Matthew Hotos, Bob Kalmuk, & Mark Fiedler at Sunday’s show Many thanks to Ingrid and to RR Auction, our loyal sponsors Sunday afternoon’s group shot, then fond farewells

Photos: Pam Litz, Jim Goddard, and Bud Kling

Olympin member Ed Schneider created a video of the Festival's events, which can be viewed at: